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  • Владимир Елкин
    Мы живём на пороге интереснейших событий!Датскую Арктику п...
  • чвсатпкьл
    (а полном серьезе назвав их агентами британской разведки) это избитый трюк майдаунов из Украины обвинять всех кто не ...ЧЕЙ ДОМ РОССИЯ?
  • Вячеслав Денисов
    Эти депутаты получили мзду от заинтересованных лиц и отрабатывают полученное.ЧЕЙ ДОМ РОССИЯ?

New "Storm of Konigsberg" as answer against operations "Anadyr"; the Armenian US general Vs the Armenian Marshal of the USSR.

New "Storm of Konigsberg" as answer against operations "Anadyr"; the Armenian US general Vs the Armenian Marshal of the USSR.

 "Hitler considered that rather Baltic Sea will dry up, than the Soviet troops will take this fortified city. Four days the garrison of Konigsberg resisted, but due to talented preparation of operation and its successful realization by Bagramyan fortress fell", - the research associate of the Museum of the Victory Sergey Belov told (See - https://ordenrf.ru/geroi-rossii/geroi-sssr/bagramyan-ivan-khristoforovich.php).

 Twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, the marshal Ivan (Ovanes) Bagramyan started the career the private in imperial army. Battled against Turks in World War I. Developed the largest operations in the Great Patriotic War.

Brought 20 thousand people out of an environment. Freed Oryol, Vitebsk, took being considered as unapproachable Konigsberg.

Returning today, it is necessary to tell that most likely from-zaoperatsii code-named Anadyr which was directed by the marshal Ivan (Ovanes) Bagramyan, other Armenian general US general Jeffrey Herrigyan wants "to give the answer" and to capture Kaliningrad (the former Konigsberg).

The Armenian general – the commander of operations of the U.S. Air Force in Europe Jeffrey Herrigyan.

 According to world media, Washington has a plan for break of the air defense system located in Kaliningrad, the commander of operations of the U.S. Air Force in Europe general Jeffrey Herrigyan told journalists. He did not give a plan detail. As approves the The National Interest magazine, in March the bomber of the U.S. Air Force V-52 fulfilled strike against the Kaliningrad region.

  According to Jeffrey Herrigan if "the Russian aggression" from Kaliningrad "demands the answer of the USA", then the measures taken by Washington will be "multielement, timely and effective".

In the evening on February 7, 2018, the international coalition led by the USA about 300 Russian soldiers from group WAGNER in Syria decreased.

   The head of the central command of the United States Air Force lieutenant general Jeffrey Harrigian gave on February 13 a press conference during which in detail stated the American version of the incident that day in the Pentagon.

 And if Bagramyana's Marshals served in modern Russian army, then they would destroy on February 8, 2018 the command post of the U.S. Air Force on Blessed. The East together with all harrigyana. And they would not swing to Kaliningrad today...

Arayik Sargsyan, the academician, the Ex-Honorary Consul of Macedonia in Armenia, the President of Academy of Geopolitics.





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