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A failing US policy in Syria is recognized by the Americans.


The fact that the United States in Syria have become part of the problem rather than solving it, obviously. During the period when the territory of the States of the Middle East region and allegedly fighting there against the "Islamic state" for some reason, it turned out that terrorism in the Middle East was the only bigger.

 The question is what did the US Air Force general in the region, as the fighting with the terrorists? Apparently, as such, there was no fighting, America came up with the reason for the Syrian conflict can not be settled and actively used it.

Obama and hand terrorists

Washington said that Assad can not remain in power and only his departure will help stabilize the situation in Syria. Never mind that in the territory of the Middle East are dangerous terrorist groups who, in fact, are the main problem in the region and part of the reason, the prevailing chaos there.

In connection with the increased number of militants, it is obvious that all the words of the Americans against "Islamic state" - the lies and hypocrisy. Seriously, they never fought with the Islamists. Otherwise, how the terrorists became more they in the hands of American weapons, billions of dollars and the oil fields? It is clear that all this is a consequence of US aid

Now that Russia is conducting a special operation in Syria, Obama is clearly nervous, knowing that the US influence in the Middle East came to an end. Unlike Washington, Moscow did not lose time in vain, and really began to destroy LIH. The results of operations of the RF videoconferencing, as they say in the face: the part of the militants killed, groups weakened. Slowly but surely, the war in Syria ends. After the last summit of G20, Obama which, incidentally, surprising even stated that it supported the Russian special operation in Syria. Apparently, not to look at the end of a loser, he had to admit it. Prior to that, the US leader blamed our pilots in the bombing of the Syrian population. Perhaps Paris attacks and the fall of the Russian airliner helped to change the opinion of the US president? But I do not think that Obama can be trusted to the end. His administration said yesterday that will follow the same strategy in Syria. It boils down to this: "Hold" Islamic state "within the borders of a particular territory, but that chance is not to help the government of Assad." But the problem is that for the year of such a strategy to contain the spread of Islamists failed.

russian.rt.com - "American politicians recognize that Obama's time to change the strategy to combat the IG"
(11/21/2015, 5:16)

Now, after the tragedies of Paris, the opinion of leading western politicians changed. Still would! France, an ally of the United States no longer considers Russia's actions in Syria incorrect. On the other hand, F. Hollande is ready to unite with Russia in the fight against LIH. In America, too, many are calling for a change of policy, including the former deputy director of the CIA. He believes that the US policy towards the IG no results.

However, not everyone in Washington fully understand that the overthrow of Assad is not a way to resolve the Syrian war. States need to stop cooperation with Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, to stop sponsoring IGilovtsev weapons and stop trying to overthrow Assad. What will happen next is unknown. But it is necessary to do again the emphasis on the fact that countries such as France, Britain, Germany and Italy have found it necessary to step up the fight against the IG. That is, until they reach the beginning of what has long tried to bring Russia! America also partly adheres to this view, but, as has been said, States pursue a different goal in Syria, the elimination of Islamists are not interested. Let's see how Washington would act on.

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